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Laptop Netbook - utilizare ca desktop, fara baterie . E ok ?

457 996 vizualizări
42 răspunsuri
autor subiect #1
MW Addicted
4261 mesaje
din 16/02/2009
13 aprecieri
04 mai 2010, 18:17:37 • actualizat 04 mai 2010, 18:25:17 (5 ori)
Trebuie sa recunosc ca m-am inspirat din topicul "incarcare USB vs. incarcare la priza " :lol:
Sunt diverse opinii. Argumente pro si contra. Voi ce parere aveti? :)

sursa 1 PRO:

Question: Should I Remove the Laptop Battery For A Desktop Replacement Laptop?
I have a laptop at home which I use as a desktop replacement. As such, 99% of the time the laptop is being used it is plugged in. I wonder if I should remove the battery so that it is not permanently being charged, or does the laptop cut off the current to the battery once it is fully charged? I do unplug the laptop when I turn it off.
When using a laptop as a desktop replacement the battery should not be left in for long periods of time. The laptop will over time discharge the battery. Remove the battery - making sure that it is charged to 40% and store it in a dry, warm place. Ensure that it is wrapped protectively and nothing will be dropped on it.

The battery should be re-installed every 3-4 weeks and allowed to fully discharge. Leaving a battery in storage for longer than this without using could cause the battery to fully discharge as the circuitry of the battery itself consumes power.

Leaving a battery in a laptop while using an electrical outlet for long periods of time will keep the battery in a constant state of charging up and that will reduce the life cycle of the battery.

Remember that when you have removed the battery from a laptop while using with an electrical outlet - the automatic battery backup is no longer functional. Make sure to plug your laptop into an uninterrupted power source (UPS) not directly into an outlet or surge protector.

Sursa 2:

PRO: Regarding the battery charging, I'd recommend pulling the battery out of the unit when finished charging. Most poeople say there's only a 1-2 year life span for Li-ion batteries, well, I've had mine for over 4years, almost 5 and it's still giving me 1.5hours of use (on an old P3 notebook, so that's pretty good). The last time I checked, I think the wear level was only 3-4% (after 4-5yrs). I think someone posted a question about the wear level and their's was at 10+% for a battery under 1 year old. They kept the battery in the unit 24/7. So personally, I say take it out when you're not using it.

. I emailed Gateway & this is their response:
"In response to your concern, you can use
your notebook using AC adapter, however, we do not recommend you removing the battery and using the notebook with AC adapter only. The notebook is designed to be portable and with battery plugged in. In addition, using AC adapter only may cause the system to overheat since it is getting and using direct power from the power outlet
autor subiect #2
MW Addicted
4261 mesaje
din 16/02/2009
13 aprecieri
04 mai 2010, 18:30:26
[color]Sursa 3[/color]

Can I plug my laptop on the power outlet without the battery attached?
2 years ago

Hi there,

Yes, you can use it without the battery. I do it all the time. But warning: don't store it charged like the other poster said - if left for sometime the battery will build up a capacitance layer which will render the battery unusable.

Sometimes people recommend “cycling" your batteries. However, deep cycling has little or no affect on a lithium ion battery. This is old info from the days of NIMH and NICAD battery technologies that did develop memory effects. Deep cycling it will just waste your charge discharge cycles.

If you decide to get a replacement, look for the brand upstart battery. They have a lifetime warranty, so at least if it dies again, it will be on their dime, haha. You can find them at the site below, and on among other places.

One last tip - for maximum lifespan, don't store the battery for extended periods in a fully charged state. This is because batteries develop something called a passivating layer in between uses. This is a normal and vital part of lithium ion battery chemistry - it is part of how the batteries retain their charges so long in the first place. However, if stored too long, the battery will not be able to power the device as the passivating layer will become too thick. The other way easy way to remove it - charging it - will not work as the battery is fully charged.

There is a fix for this if you are interested, check the blog at the site below for the fix and other battery related trinkets of info.

Take care - Todd
2 years ago
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yep im doin it now
2 years ago
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>̌̍̎̏̿̿̿̚ ZALGO ҉卍
Yes you can. The laptop automatically does this when your battery is fully charged anyway, It simply switches off the battery and runs off A/C
2 years ago
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Yes, in fact that is a good way to lengthen your battery life when not going mobile (traveling etc) Keeping your battery plugged in constantly affects its ability to hold a charge, and over time its life will decrease quickly.

Make sure your battery is fully charged, then shut down the laptop, take the battery out and put it in a cool dry place, then plug your laptop in and use it just like a desktop PC! Do the same when replacing the battery.

NEVER discharge your battery for any length of time, it will immediately cause damage and you will notice it the next time you use it... my old laptop battery went from 3 hr to 2.2 hr after I left it discharged for 4 days.

Good luck! And hope your battery lasts a long time.
2 years ago
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Tom J
2 years ago
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Yes you can. This is usually done if a laptop is used overtime. It is better to use your laptop directly plug in to the socket. This will prevent overcharging the laptops battery.
MW Veteran
798 mesaje
din 29/08/2009
70% warn
04 mai 2010, 20:12:26
Hotoman 04-05-2010 18:17:37
. I emailed Gateway & this is their response:
"In response to your concern, you can use
your notebook using AC adapter, however, we do not recommend you removing the battery and using the notebook with AC adapter only. The notebook is designed to be portable and with battery plugged in. In addition, using AC adapter only may cause the system to overheat since it is getting and using direct power from the power outlet
Daca erau probleme in privinta bateriei, sigur gasea.i scris destul de clar pe carticica laptopului.
MW Veteran
798 mesaje
din 29/08/2009
70% warn
25 iulie 2010, 22:01:14
Cu vreo doua saptamani in urma aveam scris acolo 3%.
Sa incep oare sa.l folosesc fara baterie? Mi.e cam frica...
MW Addicted
3959 mesaje
din 05/08/2008
88 aprecieri
26 iulie 2010, 00:02:34
Cred ca cu baterie e mai sigur dat fiind fluctuatiile de retea.
Oricum inbatrineste bateria.Mai lasa-l si fara incarcator din cind in cind, sa lucreze bateria.
autor subiect #6
MW Addicted
4261 mesaje
din 16/02/2009
13 aprecieri
26 iulie 2010, 01:31:32
nerooo_07 25-07-2010 22:01:14
Cu vreo doua saptamani in urma aveam scris acolo 3%.
Sa incep oare sa.l folosesc fara baterie? Mi.e cam frica...
Alecsandru acum ce naiba mi faci, a pus nero asta screenshot in limba engleza :lol:

wear level ala ce inseamna ?:D uzura?
MW Addicted
6350 mesaje
din 01/01/2006
60 aprecieri
26 iulie 2010, 06:14:29
la mine spune 80% :)
MW Moderator
4461 mesaje
din 08/05/2006
26 aprecieri
26 iulie 2010, 23:22:34
Nu te bucura. Cu cat e mai mare nivelul de uzură cu atat bateria tine mai putin adica nu mai poate reține energie. Ca toate bateriile echipamentelor electronice de consum, bateriile de litiu își pierd treptat capacitatea de a stoca energie pe măsură ce îmbătrânesc, chiar dacă sunt încărcate sau nu. Durează doar 2 sau 3 ani...

Dacă golești și încărci des o baterie de litiu, aceasta poate pierde repede posibilitatea de a reține energie. Procedura de a goli complet și încărca complet o baterie este recomandată pentru bateriile nichel-cadmiu (NiCd) și, într-o mai mică măsură, pentru bateriile hibride nichel-metal (NiMH). Bateriile de litiu durează mai mult timp dacă sunt încărcate des și câte puțin, pentru a menține o capacitate de aproximativ 40 de procente.

La mine, nivelul de uzura e de 8% (dupa 1 an si jumatate de utilizare).
16 mesaje
din 27/07/2010
28 iulie 2010, 08:47:40
Eu am folosit un HP Pavilion pe desktop, ținându-l numiai în priză cu bateria în el, și bateria ține cam 2 ore, cam ca și la început. Şi eu am auzit că e bine să o scoți dar nu am simțit o mare diferență din cauză că am ținut-o în laptop...
autor subiect #10
MW Addicted
4261 mesaje
din 16/02/2009
13 aprecieri
28 iulie 2010, 14:04:49
Mda tot ca desktop și bateria la full arată după 2 luni la maxim 97% . În ritmul asta se duce de tot. O să o scot
autor subiect #11
MW Addicted
4261 mesaje
din 16/02/2009
13 aprecieri
28 iulie 2010, 21:20:50
am lasat o sa se descarce complet si apoi a mers incarcata 100%. s o fi activat vreo protectie :lol:
MW Addicted
4342 mesaje
din 11/01/2009
60% warn
28 august 2010, 14:36:42
se duce bateria daca tin tot timpul laptopul conectat la priza?? ma refer daca se duce din "rezistenta ei" . ar fi mai bine sa tin laptopul fara baterie cand stau cu el conectat la prizza??
MW Addicted
1951 mesaje
din 18/06/2007
4 aprecieri
28 august 2010, 15:19:05
eu am laptop-ul de 3 ani si pana acum il tineam mai tot timpul in priza si cu bateria in el...acum cand sa plec undeva cu el vad ca bateria tine ~1h maxim...ce naiba sa fac ? sa stau cu el acasa in priza si cu bateria scoasa ? sau sa il las in priza cu bateria in el ?
MW Addicted
4477 mesaje
din 09/08/2007
20 aprecieri
28 august 2010, 15:53:12
pai normal ca e mai bine sa il tii in priza fara baterie, ca de aia se uzeaza bateria. doh ce minte aveti si voi.
MW Addicted
8382 mesaje
din 17/04/2007
4 aprecieri
28 august 2010, 17:01:11 • actualizat 28 august 2010, 17:05:17 (1 ori)
@NFS nu te mai baga, bateria nu sta tot timpul la incarcare, unde ai auzit prostia asta ? Nu ne mai lua cu fraze de genu' "ce minte aveti si voi", daca era vorbad e ce zici tu, atunci producatorul scria clar in manula si pe baterie ca trebuie scoasa din notebook cand se foloseste in priza.

Notebook-urile trec automat pe curent dupa ce incarcarea baterieri s-a finalizat. Mai toti producatorii recomanda schimbarea bateriei dupa 2-3 ani. E normal ca bateria pe 4 celule sa te mai tina 1 ora dupa un an.
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